Edward Bulmer Paint Cerulean Blue painted walls.
“Known in house (and palace) painting in the C17th, this colour only requires blue, black and raw umber pigments. It is a rich colour when used on panelling and would have been expensive to achieve. Originally it would have been mixed in ‘oyle paint’ and built up in 3 to 5 layers.”
Interior by Todhunter Earle Interiors: “If we can, we like to open up the ceilings of attic bedrooms to create a greater feeling of space. Here we used painted boarding to add character, along with a wonderful Cerullian Blue by @edwardbulmerpaint and headboard and curtains in a fabric by @paolomoschino for @nicholashaslamltd 📸 @raymain57“

Edward Bulmer Paint Cerullian Blue.